Les Ezyies 

After a few failed adventures that all ended up back on the Voie Verte, we decided to make the most of our Wednesday off and go to a neighbouring town in the Dordogne. As you come in or out of Perigueux on the train you pass a little town called Les Eyzies and every time we have past it we have said that we should catch the train there and go for a walk, so that is exactly what we did. We packed our picnic and set of for the small town of Les Eyzies.

We had our picnic by the river, walked through the town, played in the park and had some ice cream disasters before making our way towards the caves. Which unfortunately we were too late to get a tour of that day, so back we went to relax by the river where Meg would instead describe the caves to us – pretty much the same experience right?!

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